
2021 Proviso Reports

Section 501 of the biennial operating budget requires 海角社区 to provide an annual status report on the implementation of budget provisos. Full reports are produced at the close of each fiscal year and posted to the website.

Throughout the year, 海角社区 publishes periodic updates on grants awarded during the current fiscal year.

Proviso Name EA Code Program
Career Connected Learning 132 24J
Career Launch Programs 152 24J
Regional Apprenticeship Pathways 172 24J
Special Education Family Liaison 180 26
Time Immemorial Sovereignty Curriculum - FY2 1H2 10
New Dual Language Program - FY2 1K2 05X
Expand Existing Dual Language Program - FY2 1L2 05X
Heritage Language Programs - FY2 1M2 05X
Indigenous Language Programs - FY2 1N2 05X
STEM Lighthouse Projects - FY2 AD2 05X
Advanced Project Lead the Way Courses - FY2 AE2 05X
Aerospace/Advanced Manufacturing - FY2 AG2 05X
Construction Programs - FY2 AH2 05X
Maritime Programs - FY2 AJ2 05X
Leadership Internship Program - FY2 AK2 55
Expand Employer Engagement Program - FY2 AL2 05X
NBPTS Cert Salary Bonuses - FY2 AN2 55
Mgmt/Development/Assessment/Outreach - FY2 AP2 05X
Civics Travel Grants - FY2 AQ2 05X
Develop K-5 Civics Education Materials - FY2 AR2 05X
CTE Equivalency Frameworks - FY2 AS2 05X
Science Teacher Training Grants - FY2 AT2 05X
Kip Tokuda Civil Liberties Program - FY2 AU2 05X
Foster Youth Edu. Outcomes - FY2 AV2 05X
Demonstration Site C4 L13 2nd Sp - FY2 AW2 05X
Demonstration Site C4 L15 3nd Sp - FY2 AX2 05X
Demonstration Site C1 L17 3nd Sp - FY2 AY2 05X
海角社区less Students - FY2 BA2 05X
海角社区less Student Educational Outcomes - FY2 BB2 05X
Nonviolence/Ethical Leadership - FY2 BC2 05X
WA Achievers Scholarship - FY2 BE2 05X
Establish New Regions - FY2 BF2 05X
College Bound Outreach - FY2 BG2 05X
Washington Aim Program - FY2 BH2 05X
LASER Program - FY2 BJ2 05X
Statewide IT Academy - FY2 BK2 05X
STEM Professional Development Grants - FY2 BL2 05X
Computer Science/Education Grant - FY2 BM2 05X
Integrate Learning Standards/FieldSTEM - FY2 BN2 05X
Increase AP CS Course Capacity - FY2 BP2 05X
Mobius Science Center - FY2 BQ2 05X
Centrum Program/Fort Worden - FY2 BR2 05X
Student-Athlete STEM - FY2 BS2 05X
Reduce ASB Fees Grant - FY2 BT2 05X
Military-Connected Students Mentoring - FY2 BU2 05X
Holocaust Education - FY2 BV2 05X
Science on Wheels Grant - FY2 BW2 05X
One-to-One Mentoring Disadvantaged Students - FY2 BX2 05X
Student Mental Health/Well-Being - FY2 BY2 05X
Expand Post-Secondary GKHS - FY2 BZ2 05X
Controls Programmer Apprenticeships - FY2 CA2 05X
Spokane SD Pilot - FY2 CC2 05X
Chehalis SD Pilot - FY2 CD2 05X
Bremerton SD Pilot - FY2 CE2 05X
Media Literacy Grant - FY2 CF2 05X
Seattle Education Access Program - FY2 CG2 05X
Project Citizen/Constitution Programs - FY2 CH2 05X
Next Generation Science Standards - FY2 CJ2 05X
Federal Way After School - FY2 CO2 05X
Yakama State-Tribal Compact School - FY2 CP2 05X
Racial Disparity Grants - FY2 CQ2 05X
South Kitsap FAFSA Completion Pilot - FY2 CR2 05X
Renton Somali Parents Education Board - FY2 CT2 05X
Career & Technical Education - FY2 CV2 05X
Dropout Prevention, Intervention - FY2 CW2 10
Social & Emotional Learning CX2 10
Cispus Learning Center - FY2 CY2 05X
Student Leadership Programs - FY2 CZ2 05X
Educational Opportunity Gap DY2 10
Develop Inclusionary Practices - FY2 FY2 26
Special Education Liaison - FY2 FZ2 26
Apportionment System Maintenance - FY 1 GB2 10
Foster Youth Outcomes - FY2 GN2 10
School Safety - FY2 GW2 10
Truancy Reduction - FY2 GX2 10
Leadership Academy - FY2 GY2 55
Sexual Abuse of Students - FY2 HB2 10
Civics Education - FY2 HE2 05X
Career/College Readiness - FY2 HF2 10
Sexual Health Education - FY2 HH2 10
Dyslexia - FY2 HL2 10
Increased Services to Tribes - FY2 HM2 10
Dual Credit Programs/Subsidized Fees - FY2 JQ2 05X
Beginning Educator Support - FY2 KA2 55
African American History Work Group - FY2 LB2 10
Family Engagement Work Group - FY2 LC2 10
Child Mental Health Work Group - FY2 LE2 10
School Safety and Well-Being - FY2 LF2 10
District Suicide Prevention Grants - FY2 LG2 10
Tribal Liaison - FY2 LK2 10
School Meals at No Cost - FY2 LM2 10
Running Start Summer Pilot - FY2 LN2 10
High School Transcript Adjustments - FY2 LQ2 10
Innovative Learning Pilot - FY2 LT2 10
Data Sharing/Schools, Tribes - FY2 LU2 10
Education Opportunity Gap Committee - FY2 MA2 10
Financial Literacy of Students - FY2 MB2 10
Integrated Math/Science/Tech/Engineering - FY2 MC2 10
Safety Net Committee Support - FY2 MD2 10
State Data Center/Networking Charges - FY2 ME2 10
New Server/Backup Application - FY2 MF2 10
Military Children - FY2 MH2 10
Web Site Maintenance Support - FY2 MJ2 10
Comprehensive Data System/CEDARS - FY2 MK2 10
K-20 Telecommunications Support - FY2 ML2 10
Statewide Accountability System - FY2 MM2 10
Pub School Language Access - FY2 MN2 10
WA Reading Corps - FY2 MP2 10
Strengthening Student Ed Outcomes - FY2 MQ2 10
Biliteracy Seal - FY2 MR2 10
Bullying Prevention - FY2 MV2 10
Office of Equity & Civil Rights - FY2 MW2 10
School Safety Training - FY2 MX2 10
Safety Center Admin - FY2 MY2 10
Comprehensive Guidance/Planning Programs - FY2 MZ2 10
CTE Course Equivalencies - FY2 NF1 10
High School Grad Req - FY2 NG2 10
Educator Workforce Supply - FY2 NH2 10
Demonstration Site Grants - FY2 NK2 10
Nutrition Program Consultant - FY2 NL2 10
Technical Support/Demonstration Sites - FY2 NM2 10
Extracurricular Opportunity Gap Compliance - FY2 NP2 10
Mentoring/Educational Interpreters - FY2 NR2 10
Immigrants in the Workplace - FY2 NU2 10
Dropout Early Warning/Intervention - FY2 NV2 10
Safety Net Awards - FY2 PZ2 26
Teacher Principal Evaluation Training - FY2 RC2 55
Failing Schools - FY2 RD2 55
Performance-Based Evaluations/Certificated Educators - FY2 RJ2 55
Open K-12 Education Resources - FY2 RR2 10
State-Tribal Education Compacts - FY2 RT2 10
Computer Science Capacity - FY2 RU2 10
Washington Kindergarten Inventory - FY2 SC2 10
Review Alternative Learning Experience - FY2 SM2 10
Youth Suicide Prevention - FY2 SP2 10
Safety Net Awards UG0 26