
Student Transportation Allocation (STARS) Reports

Efficiency Ratings

For each school district rated at less than 100%, a weighted set of cohort districts determines a "target district" that reflects the hypothetical efficiency possible for the district being evaluated. The Efficiency Detail Report shows the districts cohort set and the expenditures and number of buses used by the target district. The Efficiency Detail Reports for the 2023-24 school year are based on 2022-23 data.

Efficiency reviews are required to be conducted by the regional transportation coordinators of all districts with efficiency ratings less than 90%. There are two variations in the reports, based on the history of the school district's ratings, where 'current year' refers to ratings released in March 2024 and 'prior year' referring to ratings released in March 2023.

Select a year and report type from the following menus. Please note, reports will automatically appear in the area below based on your selections. Depending on the type of report selected, additional menus may appear to allow you to further narrow the results